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4. Раскройте скобки и выберите правильную форму глагола. Переведите предложения на русский язык 1.Law (defines, is defined) as a rule of human conduct, imposed upon and enforced among, the members of the state.

2.Laws (codified, were codified) in many countries.

3.Laws (are enforced. have been enforced), and such enforcement usually (carries out, is carried out) by the state.

4.A defendant (refuses, refused) to obey law, so he (is punished, was punished).

5.Law (has, have) several aims which (concern, are concerned) mainly with making society more stable.

6.If people (disobey, will disobey) the rules the law (threatens, is threatened) them with something unpleasant - often called a sanction.

7.In England there (is, are) a rule that a man must not wear a hat in church or that one must stand up when "God Save the Queen”(plays, is played).

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