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Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Be careful with +s, +ies, +es in the third person. My pen friend, Dan 1.(live) in New York. He 2.(go) to Dean Park High School and he 3.(play) in the school basketball team. He 4.(like) rock music and he 5.(collect) great guitar CDs.
In the summer holidays, he 6.(visit) his sister in California. She 7.(teach) windsurfing at a sports club and Dan 8.(help) her. Every morning he 9.(get up) and 10.(open) the club house. Dan 11.(say) California’s great but he 12.(love) New York – it’s his city​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. lives

2. goes

3. plays


5. collects

6. visits

7. teaches

8. helps

9.gets up

10. opens

11. says

12. loves

1. marks, subjects 2. examinations 3. subject 4. grown-ups, children 5. schoolmates, teacher 6. books 7. books 8. students

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