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1.Dina wathchet/painted a picture two years ago че та там ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1does the receptionist answer the phone evry   day? the receptionist doesn\t answer the phone every day портье отвечает на телефон каждый день 2 does the managing director go on a business trip every month? the managing director   doesn\t go a business trip every month   директор каждый месяц ездит по бизнесс поездкам 3 do they discuss the price and terms of payment at their meeting once a month? they don't  discuss the price and terms of payment at their meeting once a month они цену и срок продаж раз в месяц на их встречи 4 is the personnel officer responsible for hiring and firing in our firm? the personnel officer isn't responsible for hiring and firing in our firm кадровик ответственный за найм и увольнение в нашу фирму 5 does the company specialize in producting some food and drinks? the company doesn't specialize in producting some food and drinks компания специализируется в продукции некоторой еды и напитков 6 does my friend's company invest signigicant sums in promotion every year? my friend's company doesn't invest significant sums in promotion every year компания моего друга инвестирует значительные суммы в продвижение каждый год 7 do they discuss many problems very often? they don't discuss many problems very often. они много проблем часто (переводы делал только тех предложений которые вы  и отрицательные предложения думаю сможете перефразировать)

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