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Перетвори речення з теперішнього неозначеного Рresent Simple y тепе- pішній тривалий час Рresent Continuous, використовуючи обставини часу з дужок. 1) She often walks here. (now) — She is walking here now. 2) He learns English words every day. (now) 3) She often plays here. (nоw) 4) These boys usually play tennis after classes. (at the mо- тent) 5) Their parents work in the garden on Sundays. (still) 6) The teacher answers our questions at each lesson. (at the тотеnt) 7) It often rains here in autumn. (поw) 8) Granny talks over the phone very often. (at the moment) 9) Those big monkeys often playу with their babies. (поw) 10) We often play computer games in the evening. (at the то- теnt)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1get up 2 have breakfast 3 sleep 4 do homework 5 watch tv 6 go to bed

Популярно: Английский язык