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ПЕРЕВЕСТИ С РУССКОГО НА АНГЛИЙСКИЙ 1. Граждане страны привыкли к периодическим взлетам и падениям
экономики. 2. В период спада экономики начальник обдумывал сокращение
персонала. 3. Потребители были недовольны тем, что компания не указывает
состав продукта. 4. Увеличение объема торговли привело к восстановлению
экономики. 5. В период, когда экономика достигла дна, компания уменьши-
ла зарплаты рабочим. 6. Мы привыкли к хорошей работе наших поставщи-
ков и не ожидали проблем. 7. Они оценивают результаты новой рекламной
кампании сейчас. 8. Компания не знала, что делать, когда заметила, что
спрос на ее продукцию уменьшается. 9. Они не меняли поставщиков из-за
особенностей производства. 10. Политические изменения повлияли на эко-
номический рост самым неожиданным образом.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1. The citizens of the country are used to the periodic ups and downs of the

economy. 2. During the economic downturn, the boss considered cutting

staff. 3. Consumers were unhappy that the company did not specify the

composition of the product. 4. Increased trade has led to

economic recovery. 5. During the period when the economy hit rock bottom, the company reduced

the wages of workers. 6. We are used to the good work

of our suppliers and did not expect problems. 7. They are evaluating the results of a new ad

campaign now. 8. The company didn't know what to do when it noticed that

the demand for its products is decreasing. 9. They did not change suppliers due to the

specifics of production. 10. Political changes

have affected economic growth in unexpected ways.


1. Citizens of the country are accustomed to periodic ups and downs

economy. 2. During the economic downturn, the boss thought about cutting

staff. 3. Consumers were unhappy that the company did not indicate

the composition of the product. 4. The increase in trading volume led to a recovery

economy. 5. During the period when the economy hit the bottom, the company reduced

la workers' wages. 6. We are accustomed to the good work of our suppliers.

kov and did not expect problems. 7. They measure the results of the new ad

campaign now. 8. The company did not know what to do when it noticed that

the demand for its products is decreasing. 9. They didn't change suppliers because of

production features. 10. Political changes have affected the eco-

economic growth in the most unexpected way.

In the summer i was in a sports camp. there i found new friends .. in the camp | it was fun .. then i was in the village. there i helped my grandmother and grandfather .. i went swimming in the river with my friends .. in august i was preparing for school. i liked the summer very much

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