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Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное)
Задание 1. Put the verbs into the correct form, Present Simple or Present Continuous.
1. a) Our friends (stay) at the hotel because their house isn’t ready.
b) We (stay) at the hotel every summer because it’s close to the beach.
2. a) you (talk) about my new film?
b) they always talk about films?
3. a) Close the window, please. The wind (blow).
b) Strong wind often (blow) near the ocean.
4. a) It’s time to go to bed. What you (write)?
b) I (write) letters to my aunt once a week.
5. a) What language they (speak) in Germany?
b) Listen! What language those people (speak)?
6. a) Who (come) to tea?
b) they (come) here every weekend?
7. a) I’m busy. I (plant) an apple tree.
b) She (plant) flowers every spring.
8. a) What you usually (do) after work?
b) What you (do) these days?
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Задание 2. Correct the mistakes.
1. My dad is rakes leaves every autumn.
2. Mum are planting roses in the garden.
3. Ben don’t studying in Australia.
4. My father flies to Moscow today on business.
5. Sara not wearing boots in winter.
6. Does it snowing often in winter?
7. Tony usually playing chess with his grandfather.
8. My brother never go camping when it’s hot.
9. What’s Sandy does now?
10. Bill isn’t read books at the weekends.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. John said that his sister was in the park.

2. Risk asked his friend if he had visited his granny.

3. Lucy told me to I tried to eat light meals only.

4. She said that Mike would be in Boston next month.

5. He asked her why she had late.

6. Jane said to Mary to she had not forgot to buy milk.

7. Fred asked me if I ever had been to Spain.

8. April said that it was so cold that morning.

9. Mother asked her son what time his train would arrived.

10. He asked the recetionist if this hotel had  a room service.


1. Джон сказал, что его сестра была в парке.

2. Риск с своего друга, посетил ли он свою бабушку.

3. Люси сказала мне, чтобы я старался есть только легкие закуски.

4. Она сказала, что Майк будет  в Бостоне в следующем месяце.

5. Он с ее, почему она опоздала.

6. Джейн сказала Мэри, чтобы она не забыла купить молоко.

7. Фред с меня, был ли я когда-нибудь в Испании.

8. Апрель сказала, что этим утром было так холодно.

9. Мать с сына, во сколько прибывает его поезд.

10. Он с у администратора, есть ли в этом отеле обслуживание номеров.

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