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4.Grammar. Passive Voice 1. Look! This computer ... (use).
2. This book ... by Pushkin in 1824. (write)
3.1... to my friends birthday parties, (invite)
4. When we came, the bridge ...(build)
5. Churapcha... in 1725 (found).​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) is being used (presen continuous)

2)was written  (past simple)

3)was invited (past simple)

4) has been built (present perfect)

5)was founded (past simple)


не уверенна насчет 4

Жили-были четыре солнышка.  жили они дружно. рано вставали и освещали землю, согревали людей и  зверей. а были они добрые и веселые, часто устраивали праздники для своих  деток, маленьких солнышек, солнечных зайчиков. и люди на земле радовались  танцам солнечных зайчиков. всем было хорошо. once there were four sun. they lived very amicably. got up early and lit up the earth warms people and animals. and they were kind and cheerful, often arranged holidays for their children, little sun, sunbeams. and men on earth rejoiced at the dancing sunbeams. all was well.

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