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Пассивный залог 7 класс 1. Transform into PASSIVE VOICE.
1) Jenny gives me presents.
2) We must follow the rules.
3) They worked on the project for a week.
4) The Governor may visit the festival.
5) The mechanics repaired my car last week.
6) A burglar broke the window.
7) An old woman feeds the pigeons.
8) I watered the plants yesterday.
9) Tolstoy wrote “War and Peace”
10) We can talk to the doctor about the cough.
2. Transform into ACTIVE VOICE
1) Ships were towed to the harbor.
2) Glasses are worn by most of the people in the class.
3) Our week is scheduled Monday to Friday.
4) Pets have to be looked after by their owners.
5) All tests must be resat if you fail them.
6) Olive oil is made from olives.
7) Somebody stole my bag.
8) A comet was seen flying over the night sky last week.
9) The new software was installed at the office.
10) A film was produced by Paramount.
3. Open the brackets. Use ACTIVE or PASSIVE.
1) English (must / speak) in the class.
2) Jason (give) a speech at the university last week.
3) The towel is dirty. It (used) to clean the mess in the kitchen.
4) Cats (chase) mice.
5) All flights (cancel) last Sunday due to bad weather.
6) The police (stop) the speeding car.
7) Lunch (serve) at half past one every day.
8) Lily (shout at) by Marcus.
9) The town (offer) a lot of incredible attractions.
10) The house (overlook) a wonderful garden.

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Ответы на вопрос:

When I arrived the lecture had already started.Peter was sitting in a dark room with a book. I told him that was reading in a very bad light.Mother was making a cake when the light went out. She had to finish it in the dark.When I arrived, Jenny was leaving, so we only had time for a few words.John was having a bath when the phone rang. He got out of the bath and went to answer it.When we came to the airport, the plane had already landed.He suddenly realised that he was traveling in the wrong direction.What were you doing?I called Paul at 7.00 but it wasn't necessary because he had already got up.When I saw him he was was crossing the street.While he was watering the flowers it began to rain.Ann said that the was on holiday. I said that I hoped that she was enjoying herself. ("I am on holiday." "I hope you are enjoying yourself!")

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