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, нужно переделать в косвенную речь по типу Peter said: “I don’t need your help. I’ll do it myself.”
Peter said (that) he didn’t need my help and that he would do it himself.

1. You have a high temperature.

2. You don't look after yourself properly.

3. You've obviously been ill for several days.

4. You can't go to work.

5. You're much too thin.

6. You don't eat sensibly.

7. You need to stay in bed.

8. You don't keep your flat warm enough.

9. You've got a nasty cough.

10. You can phone me if you feel worse.

11. You'll feel better in a few days.

12. You need a good holiday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Я, конечно, не знаю, пойдет ли my parents are very activity people. they are fond of sport and a lot of ohter things. my father likes skiing, swimming and chess (шахматы). in his free time he usually do sport, read a detective story  or watch tv. my mother does sport too, but her favourite hobby in her free time is painting. she paints an exellent picture, i think! she also likes listening to music and skating.

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