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Нужно дополнить предложения: 1. To treat Jan’s asthma, the doctor gave her medicine to "breathe in." _n_ _le
2. People with respiratory illness often find it difficult to "inhale and exhale." _r_ _t_e
3."Small air sacs" in the lungs are the endopoints of the respiratory airway. _l_e_li
4. The patient suffers from "damaged and misshapen alveoli". _ _p_y_ _m_
5. The "network of organs and airways responsible for gas exchange" can be adversely affected by smoking. _e_ _i_ _t_r _y_ _e_

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу притяжательными местоимениями (в зависимой или абсолютной форме). 1) we had our wedding party in milan, they had theirs in paris. 2) my dress is yellow. her dress is black. 3) i have a brother. my brother is getting married this week. 4) my car is red. hers is white. 5) their dog is constantly barking. our dog is quiet. 6) she loves her husband very much. 7) my sister and i visit our parents once a month. 8) my elder brother is 18 and yours is 21. 9) your classroom is large. 10) miss. brown brings her books and we bring ours. 2. образуйте из слов в скобках однокоренные прилагательные. 1) the measures taken by the police turned out to be effective. 3) tom didn’t expect the chair to be so comfortable. 4) helen is a careful and loving mother. 5) your suspicions are ridiculous. 6) if parents are too indulgent, their children get spoilt 7) i’d like to watch something funny. 8) she was really surprised at hearing about my success.  9) i hope you understand how important for me it is.  10) a sensitive  person like jack can’t do such a stupid thing.

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