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Task 4. Choose ONE topic and write. [4] Topic 1. Look at the map and choose ONE route only. Describe your route.
Route 1: You are at the Hospital and you want to go to the Shopping centre. How do you get there?
Route 2: You are at the Cinema and you want to go to the Bookshop. How do you get there?
Route 3: You are at the Library and you want to go to the Hospital. How do you get there?

Route 0: You are at the School and you want to go to the Hospital. How do you get there?

Go straight on to Garden Road.
Turn left and go straight on to River Road.
Then turn right, keep going and stop.
The Hospital is on the left side.
Topic 2. Look at the pictures bellow, choose ONE and answer the following questions.
1 What do you know about cartoons below? (studio, director, country…)
2 Why do you like this cartoon?
3 Who are the main heroes?
4 What is this cartoon about?
5 Which part do you like most and why?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Кольцо состоит из:

двух нёбных миндалин (лат. tonsilla palatina);

двух трубных миндалин (лат. tonsilla tubaria), находящихся в области глоточного отверстия слуховых труб;

глоточной (аденоидной) миндалины (лат. tonsilla pharyngea, син. adenoidea);

язычной миндалины(лат. tonsilla lingualis) корня языка;

лимфоидных гранул и боковых лимфоидных валиков на задней стенке глотки.


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