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с английским языком Task 1. Choose the correct item.

1. The Smiths moves / moved to the USA last week.

2. These days he lives / lived in a cottage in the country.

3. They work / worked in a factory in 1970.

4. The town is / was a busy place today.

5. We often visit / visited the beach when we were young.

6. She opens / opened the box and took out her present.

7. He comes / came back late yesterday.

8. I meet / met with my friends at weekends.

9. Nowadays a lot of people travel / travelled around the world.

Task 2. Write the Past form of the verbs.

1. have - ……….

2. try - ………….

3. read - ………..

4. be - …………..

5. stop - ………..

6. make - ………

7. go - …………..

8. stay - ……….

9. hear - ………

10. find - ………

Task 3. Write the Past Simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1. We…. (go) to the cinema last week.

2. How many books ….. (you / buy)?

3. – …… they (be) happy when they moved to their new house?

4. – Yes, they ….. (be), but their son (not / be).

5. – How much money …… (you / spend) on your camera?

6. – I …… (spend) about $100.

7. Where …… (he / find) this book?

8. …… she (have) lunch at work?

9. My parents …….. (decide) to paint the house.

10. I’m sorry. I …… (not / do) my homework last night.

Task 4. Match the adjectives to their opposites.

1. beautiful A. polluted

2. busy B. ugly

3. crowded C. stressed

4. clean D. quiet

5. relaxed E. deserted

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Ответы на вопрос:

1прошлой  ночью директор школы шел из здания к машине, когда на него напали сзади - обстоятельство времени 2 тэд интересовался, почему он был задержан полицией - придаточное определительное 3 когда он вел машину вдоль улицы, он видел двух воров, обкрадывающих магазин. - обстоятельство времени. 4 детектив смотрел на  хорошо одетую женщину, которая всегда посещала большой магазин в понедельник утром - определительное

Популярно: Английский язык