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Task 1. Read the text and put the phrases in the right place. A it had not been included
B pulled against his chains
C she had to go and empty it
D he was not a giant either
E stay there until the end of the world
F sometimes they were also mean

Loki’s Fate
The ancient Norse people believed that the world was controlled by two tribes: a tribe of gods and a tribe of giants. Loki was not a god and . He was something in between.
Loki was a trickster. He liked to play tricks on people and start quarrels. His jokes were often funny but . One day Loki decided to play a trick on Baldur, a popular god who everybody loved. Baldur was protected by a magic spell; no living thing could hurt him, except for the mistletoe plant, which was so small and harmless that . Loki made an arrow out of this plant and told a blind god to throw it at Baldur as a joke. As a result, Baldur died.
Everyone was very sad about the death of Baldur and the gods decided to punish Loki. They chained him to three giant rocks, deep in a cave and hung a huge snake above him so that it would drip poison onto his face. Loki would have to .
His wife decided to help him. She sat beside him and caught the poison in a bowl as it fell from the mouth of the snake. When the bowl became full, however, . While she was gone, the poison fell onto Loki’s face. When the poison touched him, he writhed in pain and . Every time this happened, Loki struggled so much that it made the earth tremble and shake violently.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Easy-going - aggressive

Impatient - patient

Ambitious - unambitious

Friendly - unfriendly

Negative- positive

Shy - outgoing

Generous - mean

Creative - unimaginative

Modest - arrogant

Peaceful - moody

Serious - funny

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