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ДАЮ USE OF ENGLISH Task 2. Complete the five conversations. Choose the correct answer: a, b or c. Do you live near the Regent cinema, Mark? a No, I'm outside the city. b No, that's wrong. c No, it's a great place to live. 1 Living in a city isn't all bad. a That is a problem. b Yes, this is fine. c Perhaps you're right 2 Our village is really boring, isn't it? a I live here, too. b Really? I don't think so! c Do you know it? 3 What do you think of the youth club?

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What do you think about today's perfomance? -i liked acting of actors very much! and you? -oh, yes! especially i liked a decor. -the audience was delighted, wasn't they? -of course. -let's go to the theater every day! -i agree! let's do it!

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