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Английский 6 класс соч​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. what did you do last night? "i came home from work, took a shower,supper and went to sleep.2. yesterday, when i was going to the cinema, i met my friend.3. when he crossed the street, he fell and bruised his foot.4. when he crossed the street, i fell and bruised my foot.5. yesterday i saw katya, but she did not see me.6. i read the book when the phone rang.7. yesterday at 7 o'clock i watched tv.8. yesterday at 7 o'clock i went to bed.9. yesterday was a terrible day. - why? "it rained all evening. and idid not go anywhere.10. i saw katya yesterday, she was waiting for the bus at the bus stop.

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