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.  1. Read Helen’s email about starting university. What is she mainly concerned about? a her image and her accommodation
b her accommodation and her studies
c_ her friends and her image

Hi Imre,
Today is my last day at school. In two months’ time I’ll be starting university in Leeds. I’m going to find somewhere to live next month, hopefully near the university, although I don’t mind being near the centre. I’m not keen on places near the sports stadium – it’s very noisy! Will anyone want to share a flat with me? There are lots of adverts for flatmates on the university website. I’ve written to a few but I haven’t had any replies yet.
I’ve promised myself a new ‘look’ for my new life. Most of my clothes were bought in the sales, so they aren’t very fashionable. I’m going to study media, and I’ll be taught by some famous journalists, so I want to look modern and stylish. I’m going to wear lipstick and nail varnish, and I’m going to change my hair. It’ll be dyed red, or maybe black! I can’t stand being blonde anymore. I might even get a tattoo – I’m not sure. I like some of Lady Gaga’s tattoos, but I don’t know who they were designed by.
Most people won’t know me at university, so this is a great time to be different. Rosa is going to be on my course, and she also wants a new style. She wants me to call her ‘Roz’, too, which might feel strange. Luckily, I like my name!
When are you starting university?
Love from Helen

    Read Helen’s email again and choose the correct answers.
2_ Helen would prefer to live close to the ... .
__ a university       b town centre     c  stadium
3_ Helen visited the university website because ... .
__ a  she wants to find recommendations for flats
__ b she wants to find someone to share a flat
__ c  she wanted to reply to her emails
4_ At university, Helen is definitely going to ... .
__ a  have fair hair      
__ b  have a tattoo
__ c wear make-up
5_ Rosa and Helen ... .
__ a are going to start university together
__ b want to change their appearance and names
__ c didn’t know each other before university                                 ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

2.b, 3c, 4b, 5a,


вот чем могла

надеюсь, правильно)


.  1. Read Helen’s email about starting university. What is she mainly concerned about? a her image


2 - is

3- rains

4- is blowing

5 - is

6- haven't seen

7- was

8- have visited

9 - haven't seen.

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