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Mpeii. 2. Open the brackets. Use Past Simple.
1) I (study) all night yesterday.
2) He (start) playing chess at the age of 7.
We. (not to try) to escape.
(hear) a new song on the radio.
5) ..you (give) my mother a CD for Christmas?
6) She (not to drink) too much coffee yesterday.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:studied,started,didn't try ,did...give,didn't drink



1) I studied all night yesterday

2) He playing chess at the age of 7

3) We didn't try to escape

4) Heard a new song on the radio

5) Did you give my mother a CD for Christmas?

6) She didn't drink too much coffee yesterday

When my grandfather and grandmother will make kolobok, kolobok run away from them. on his way he will met a hare, wolf, and bear. he will  run away from them. but from a fox he will not run away, she will eat kolobok.вот перевод если понадобится  когда дедушка и бабушка сделают колобка, колобок сбежит от них. на своём пути он встретит зайца, волка, медведя. он от них сбежит. но от лисы он не убежит, она съест колобка.

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