Есть ответ 👍

11 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form of the present simple or present continuous.
Dear Penny
Greetings from Sao
Paulo, Brazil, where my
family and I 1)
(spend) our summer
holidays this year.
Today is another
beautiful day. A soft breeze
2) (blow), so it's not terribly hot. Right now, I
(sit) by the hotel's swimming pool and I
(send) emails to my friends. My parents
(usually take) a nap at this time of day, so
they 6) (sleep) in their room. We really
7) (love) everything about this place! Every
day, my brother and I 8) (wake up) late and
after a quick breakfast, we 9).
(head) for the
beach, where we 10) (stay) for hours. Mum
and Dad 11) .. (prefer) to spend the day
sightseeing, so we all 12) (meet up) at
lunchtime. The only thing we 13) (not/like)
very much is the local food, as we 14) (think)
it's a bit spicy for our taste! No problem, though! The restaurant in
our hotel 15) (serve) all kinds of delicious
international dishes, so there's a great variety to choose from!
Anyway, what 16)
(you/do) this summer?
Email me and let me know.
Take care,

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 are spending

2 is blowing

3 am sitting

4 am sending

5 usually take

6 are sleeping

7 love

8 wake up

9 head

10 stay

11 prefer

12 meet up

13 don't like

14 think

15 serves

16 are you doing


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