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4) Match the words and their definitions. 1.the Solar System a. a person, who hurts or frightens weaker people
2. drought b. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
3. to destroy c. a book to explain how to do something or how to use something
4. the environment d. the ship on which the Pilgrims left England to go to America
5. Ottawa e. a programme which gives facts and information about a particular subject
6. a power station f. the Sun together with the planets going around it
7. a tabloid g. to damage something so much that it cannot be repaired
8. UNESCO h. a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water
9. a documentary i. the capital of Canada
10. a manual j. a large building in which electricity is made
11. a bully k. a newspaper with rather small pages, many pictures and littleserious news
12. the Mayflower l. natural conditions, such as air, water, land, in which people,animals

and plants live

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Ответы на вопрос:

— How about GOING (1) out for a meal this evening?

— Great! LET’S (2) go to that Italian restaurant. Or do you prefer the Chinese one?

— I don’t mind it. I like the Italian one but it’s very expensive.

— Oh, it DOESN’T (3) matter.

— OK. Why don’t we GO (4) to the Italian restaurant and then we CAN (5) go to the cinema? (6; «afterwards» в конце предложения можно не использовать, поскольку уже есть «then».) Your new job needs a special celebration.

— I AGREE (7). And I’d love to see that film with George Clooney. Would you?


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