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Name? Asian Elephant
Red Wolt
How many
about 50.000
about 100
Interesting help with logging, vegetarian
creatures, live in families
eat small animals.
live in small groups
people hunt them for sport and food, people hunt them, forests where
endangered? sell tusks, destroy homes
they live getting smaller
A: What's the name of your endangered animal?
B: The Asian elephant

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ответ: Имя?


Азиатский слон

Красный Волт

Как много


около 50.000

около 100

Интересная с лесозаготовкой, вегетарианец



существа, живут семьями

есть мелких животных.

жить небольшими группами


люди охотятся на них ради спорта и еды, люди охотятся на них, леса, где

находящихся под угрозой исчезновения? продавать бивни, разрушать дома

они живут, становясь все меньше

A: Как зовут ваше животное, находящееся под угрозой исчезновения?

B: Азиатский слон

1. So much money is being spent by you!

2. The task can be done quite easily.

3. You should have been warned about the situation.

4. The problem was explained to me by my son and he asked for advice.

5. I won't be let go for a walk so late.

6. His paintings aren't discussed so much.

7. A new book was offered me by the librarian.

8. These accessories are so beautiful! What are they made of?

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