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Task 3. Answer the questions. 1. Why was Gerry feeling sorry for him self?
2. How did his birthday start?
3. What did Gerry receive from his family and neighbours?
4. Why wasn't Gerry happy?
5. Who visited Gerry then?
6. What did his classmates give him?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 o'clock 2 his 3 final 4berrj 5i 6hiu

1. have you ever been in england? 2. what does this word mean? 3. how much will it  cost to fly to new york from here? 4. we don't remember where we put our passports. 5. now come and sit down. explain me what is the problem? 6. how long did it take to get there? 7. now i understand why you didn't tell me about your job.

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