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4. Choose the correct option (A, B or C)
A. She likes that really big red old antique table.
B. She likes that really big old red antique table.
C. She likes that old, red, really big antique table
5. Choose the correct option (A, B or C)
A. We stayed in an ancient beautiful Scottish castle for a week.
B. We stayed in a beautiful ancient Scottish castle for a week.
C. We stayed in a beautiful Scottish ancient castle for a week.
6. Choose the correct option (A, B or C)
A. Take a small black metal box, it's on the table.
B. Take a black small metal box, it's on the table.
C. Take a small metal black box, it's on the table.
7. Which sentence uses will incorrectly? (Which sentence is not a prediction?)
A. James won't be on time
B. I will go on holiday to France next week.
C. Electric cars will become more and more popular

8. Which sentence is correct?
O A. Harry won't enjoy the concert.
O B. Sorry, I'll late for the meeting
C. Paul will to give you a receipt
9. Which is the correct reply? Sorry, the director isn't here at the moment.
A. Okay, I come back later.
B. Okay, I will to come back later.
C. Okay, I'll come back later.
10. Which question is NOT correct?
A. When you will get the results?
B. What time will the party start?
C. Where will you live?
11. Which sentence uses will correctly? (Which sentence is not a plan?)
A. I'll go on holiday to Spain next week.
B. My friend Julie will visit me at the weekend,
C. It'll probably rain tomorrow.
12. Choose the correct option. Someone is knocking at the door. - Don't stand up.
1 ... open.
A. will
B. am going to
13. Choose the correct option. - Tomorrow is your exam. When ... srart prepairing
fo it? - I think I... pass without any preparation.
A. are you going to/am going to
B. are you going to/will
C. will/will
14. Choose the correct option. - What time is it? - I don't know. My watch is
broken. I ... take it to a watchmaker.
B. am going to
15. Choose the correct option. - Where are you going? - 1... to the shop. There is
no food in the fridge.
A. am going to
B will​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. True or false

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. F

5. F

6. T

7. T

8. T

9. T

10. F


1. have (Я никогда не разговаривал с англичанином)

2. have (Братья Кейт уже перевели эту статью?)

3. have (Мои родители только что ушли в театр)

4. Чью книгу ты взял?

5. Кто сегодня прислал телеграмму на его день рождения?


1. have answered

2. have

3. have listened

4. have spent


1. Who hasn't come yet?

2. A pupil has taken books from the library today

3. Have been they to Canada this year?

4. The postman has just bought the newspaper


1. just

2. yet

3. already

4. ever, already


1. No, my friend has never been to the UK

2. I just answered a question

3. I have taken my friend's book lately

4. My dad has just watched video film

5.  Yes, these boys have swum in the pool this morning

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