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Decide whether the statement is True or False.

A healthy lifestyle

It is very important to follow a healthy lifestyle. Every person wants to live as long as possible, not get sick and always look good. To do this, you need to eat healthy food, exercise, walk more, and have an active lifestyle.

When you follow a healthy lifestyle, you follow a healthy or balanced diet. Also, it is important to get enough sleep and go to bed and wake up in the morning at the same time. It is useful to have porridge for breakfast, eat fish, vegetables, and dairy products. You shouldn’t eat many sweets or drink fizzy drinks. You can eat fast food, but not often.

Some people do exercises or run in the morning, or do different sports. Doing sport makes the body stronger and gives you energy. It is useful to walk more outside or ride a bike in summer and ski and skate in winter. It is not very good to sit for a long time near the computer and watch TV for several hours.

A healthy lifestyle makes a person feel happier and more cheerful. When you are healthy, you will be more active and positive.

Milk and vegetables are useful for people’s health.





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Paul (1) (was getting) worried. the two unsmiling police officers obviously (2) (did not believe) his story and one of them (3) (was talking) quietly but urgently on the phone. from the look of their faces they (4) (were suspecting) him of something but paul still had no idea what. all he knew was that at 3.30 in the morning he (5) (was walking) home when a police car (6) (came) to a sudden stop right next to him. the two officers jumped out and demanded to know who he (7) (was) and where he (8) (was). ‘paul hughes,’ he replied, ‘and i (9) (am) at the 2020 club downtown. now i (10) (am going) home.’ it (11) (was raining), paul was tired and wanted to get home quickly, but the police (12) (were) suspicious. ‘where’s home? ’, asked the younger policeman. ‘the stonechurch estate,’ answered paul, aware of the reputation for crime it (13) (had acquired) in recent years. ‘so what (14) (are you doing) round here? ’ said the older one, ‘this isn’t the way from the city centre.’ ‘i know,’ said paul, feeling a bit irritated, ‘but i (15) (was given) a lift by a guy at the 2020. he (16) (dropped) me off at bank st station about 15 minutes ago. since then i (17) (have been walking).’ ‘what was his name? ’ ‘no idea.’ ‘what (18) (does he look like)? ’ ‘tall, heavily-built, skinhead. kind of tough-looking. he (19) (wore) a blue denim jacket.’ ‘and the car? ’ ‘a convertible bmw; a 5-series. green, i think.’ the policemen (20) (looked at) each other for second. ‘that car (21) (was found) a few minutes ago. it (22) (had been left) behind the station.’ ‘so what’s that got to do with me? ’, said paul, starting to feel uneasy. ‘quite a lot,’ replied the older policeman. a report (23) received) just after 3 a.m. that a green bmw (24) (had been stolen). from outside the 2020. then, a few minutes later a young man (25) (was observed) walking away from the vehicle near bank st station. that person (26) (was described) as average height, dark-haired and slim. very much like you, in fact. and since then nobody else (27) (has been seen) anywhere near the car. you’re in trouble, paul, and we (28) (are takinge) you to the police station for further questioning. when we (29) (get) there we (30) (will tell) you what we’ve found in that car. 

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