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1. What does your son want to do in future? - I hope he a dentist. (BECOME) (will become \ is going to become \ is becoming) 2. My dad has already booked the holiday. We to France on 2 July. (FLY) (will fly \ are going to fly \ are flying)
3. Not at five o'clock. Look at the diary. We Mr. Clark at three o'clock. (MEET)  (will meet \ are going to meet \ are meeting)
4. I can't go to the cinema this afternoon, because I the doctor at 4.00. (SEE)
5. The sky is dark and full of clouds. It . (RAIN)
6. In the year 2050, everybody a computer. (HAVE)​

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Ол зиян әр ұлттың рухани мәдениет үйі мен оның негізінде құрылған болатын және басқа елді мекен еткен кезде ол үшін алдымен осы орайда және компьютерлік техника жасаган

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