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English № 311. When the doctor came into the ward, the patient already … for 5 hours.
A) was - sleeping Б) was - slept
B) had - slept Г) had -been sleeping Д) has - been sleeping
№ 312. He looks very tired. He
in the garden since morning.
A) was working Б) had been working
B) has been working
F) is working Д) works
№ 316. For how long … you
your morning exercises this morning?
A) do Б) are - doing
B) have - been doing Г) have - done Д) have - doing
№ 317. How long … you … this
article already?
A) have - been translating Б) have translated
B) translate translated
National Testing Center Section: THE PASSIVE
Mark the correct
passive construction.
№ 320. What a nice building!
It is an architectural monument. It … in the last century.
A) is built Б) built
B) was built Г) Г) will be built Д) building
№ 324. Good for you! The text
A) is - doing Б) done
B) will - do Г) has - to do Д) is -done
№ 325. The windows … cleaned
already. You will only have to wash the floor.
A) is Б) was
B) have been Г) were Д) will be
№ 313. I English for 5 years.
A) learn Б) am learning
B) has learnt I') have been learning Д) learnt
№ 314. 1t for day and night
A) rain Б) rains
B) raining Г) were raining Д) has been raining
№ 315. 1 … for my book for an
hour already
A) have been looking Б) look
B) has looked Г) looked Д) have looking
Д) be translating
№ 318. They … in the car for many hours before they came to the crossroads.
A) drive Б) drove
B) were driven Г) are driving Д) had been driving
N: 319.
My watch … good time ever since the first repair.
A) has been keeping Б) keeping
B) Г) keeps Д) are keeping
№ 321. This picture … by a famous Italian artist of the 18-th century.
A) painted Б) is painted
B) was painted Г) to paint Д) to be painted
№ 322. What , cannot
A) do, undo Б) is done, be undone
B) to be undone, done Г) is undone, done Д) did, undo
№ 323. This problem can in no time, it's quite easy.
Б) to solve
B) is solved Г) was solved Д) solve
№ 326. … anyone … about this
A) Has - been told Б) Were - told
B) Had - been tell Г) Would - be told Д) Are - told
№ 327. I told the hotel
receptionist that I wanted up at 6 o'clock.
A) be woken Б) to be woken
B) was woken Г) is woken Д) woke

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Ответы на вопрос:

объясните что такое актив и что такое пассив? )

пассив-пассивный залог или что? )

не понятно просто)

а так напишу)




актив he is doing his homework-он делает свое .

my brother plays the piano-мой брат играет на пианино.

i like voleybol-я люблю волейбол.

we go to the cinema every day-мы ходим в кино каждый день.

my favourit fruit is-apple-мой любимый фрукт-это яблоко)



the cake was cooked two days ago-пирог был приготовлен два дня назад.

i was asked to take care of the child-меня попросили присмотреть,поухоживать за ребенком.

the game have been won/-гра была выиграна

the letters were looked through-письма были просмотрены.

this building was built 20 years ago-это здание было построео 20 лет назад.


Популярно: Английский язык