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Написать письмо You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Rodger who writes:

… My sister’s favourite film is ‘Avatar’, and she watches it every weekend. It’s a good film,

but I hate it now. What’s your favourite film? What do you like most about it – acting,

directing or anything else? Does it have a happy end? Do you prefer films with a happy


I prefer computer games to films. It’s much the same, only you are kind of making your

own film instead of just watching …

Write a letter to Rodger.

In your letter

 answer his questions using active vocabulary you’ve learned this term

 ask 3 questions about his favourite computer games.

Write 100–140 words.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1) mr black's dog doesn't eat fish, does he? 2)tigers are clever than cats, isn't it? 3)the monkey is funnier than the parrot, isn't it? 4)there is monkey in the cage, isn't it? 5)the monkeys couldn't take the toys, do they? 6)you like the monkeys, don't you? 7)you can't take a test today, can you? 8)they aren't in the steet, are they? 9)there aren't any schools in this street, isn't it? 10)her uncle lives in this street, doesn't he? 1)jerry isn't a sportsman, is he? 2)the apple is tastier than the banana, isn't it? 3)your friends can't come on sunday, can he? 4)her friends have got an interesting game, haven't they? 5)your sister hasn't go a guinea-pig, has she? 6)we can go, can't we? 7)we can't go now, can we? 8)your grandfather was a worker, wasn't he? 9)mr brown doesn't work here, does he? 10)his aunt spends her holidays in the country, doesn't she?

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