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Сочинениенаписать про высокое здание СПб на англ.яз,к примеру на крови,казанский собор и т.д

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Собо́р Воскресе́ния Христо́ва на Крови́, или храм Спа́са на Крови́ в Санкт-Петербурге — православный мемориальный однопрестольный храм во имя Воскресения Христова; сооружён в память того, что на этом месте 1 (13) марта 1881 года в результате покушения был смертельно ранен император Александр II (выражение на крови указывает на кровь царя). Храм был сооружён как памятник царю на средства, собранные по всей России.
4,4(14 оценок)

The Kazan Cathedral – a masterpiece of the early 19th-century Russian architecture – was built by Andrei Voronikhin. The building of the Kazan Cathedral was completed in 1811 and took ten years. The cathedral stands with its north façade facing Nevsky Prospect. On either side of the building runs a monumental semicircular colonnade of 96 Corinthian columns the outside wings of which end in grandiose portals. The southern and western entrances to the cathedral are similarly ornamented with six columned porticoes with pediments and approached by broad staircases. The huge windows in the building and the fine semicircular colonnade lend the whole edifice a restrained monumental character together with an unusual impression of lightness.


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Hello, I would like to tell you about an interesting event which i know. I live in another country but it still showed itself on us. A lot of new things happened this week, but I was personally interested in the rallies in Kazakhstan. Yes, I find it interesting, even though I'm not interested in politics. In fact, everything has already been settled there, but a week has not yet passed since that moment. I really can't describe it because terrible things happened there. This rally was provoked by someone, as the journalists say. The whole month the Internet was turned off there, it is very terrible not only to feel it yourself, but also to look from the inside.

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