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8 Grade Test # 6 I. Match the words from the columns to make up word combinations on holiday activities. (18 points)

1. Meet a. the local cuisine

2. buy b. famous landmarks

3. visit c. the locals

4. lie d. nature

5. go e. time to yourself

6. see f. souvenirs

7. try g. on the beach all day

8. explore h. museums

9. have i. on guided tours

II. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. (30 points)

1. “I like travelling by plane,” she said.

2. “We visited Russia last winter,” they said.

3. “Take photocopies of your tickets and passports,” the travel agent said to us.

4.”Do you like French food?” he asked Mary.

5.”Don’t let anyone carry your bags,” she said to me.

6.”I can speak German,” he said.

7.”Have you ever live abroad?” Judy asked Sam.

8.”I’ll be in Brighton next week,” Alice said.

9.”Where is the nearest bus stop?” he asked.

10.”I’ll call you tomorrow,” she said to me.

III. Complete the phrasal verbs with the correct preposition. (20 points)

1. I think, you should set some

money in case you want to buy a house.

2. What time will we have to set for the airport tomorrow?

3. The opening of the new sport centre has been set a few weeks.

4. Summer has started to set already, so we can go swimming.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. (12 points)

1. Our family spent a few days ___ the seaside.

2. There are many boats hire at Yalta.

3. Hotels offer special rates if you travel ___ season.

4. You should book your tickets at least a month ___ advance.

5. For safety reasons, you should know rules for using mobile devices board.

6. Please send me information delay.

V. Translate into English. ( 20 points)

Страдать морской болезнью, получить солнечный удар, ночной поезд, потерять паспорт, организованный отдых, спущенная шина, в целости и сохранности, виды транспорта, реставрировать, легкая прогулка

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dear (имя друга или подруги)

i missed you so much and i havent seen you for a while. i have so much to tell you. can i visit you in a while? maybe i'll come next week or these weekends. i really want to talk to you and hear your news. i can tell you some of mine now- we moved into  new house it big and i like it a lot. last week i went to my aunts weddig, and my sister finished school and passed all her tests.

sincerely имя)

see you soon.



я по тебе скучаю, и не видел тебя долго. у меня столько новостей чтоб тебе рассказать. может я могу к тебе приехать на следующей недели или в эти выходные. я хочу с тобой поразговаривать и услышить твои новости.  но я могу рассказать немного сейчас- я переехала в новый дом, на прошлой недели  я побывала у своей тети на свадьбе и моя сестра закончила школу.   

до встречи.

ну как-то так! надеюсь

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