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READING Read the text about Sam's camping trip.
Have you ever wondered what land of person you really are? I now I have. At one stage I considered
getting family and friends to say how they d describe me I knew my brothers would be honest, but
maybe I wouldn't like their answers! On the other hand, friends might not want to say what they really
Anyway. I finally got my answer when I went on a youth club camping trip to the coast last month. It
was the end of spring, so temperatures were still low and were going to stay in tents. I'd never been
camping before I didn know what it would be like, but I wagined the tent wasn't exactly luxury
living inside However, I decided to try and have a good time, and not give up immediately. After we'd
amived and set up our tents, we tent on a hike through the mountains. The scenery was spectacular but
I wasn't really looking My feet were hurting and my ears were freezing. I had a headache, but I didn't
say anything I smiled at everyone, and I was patient and polite and I just kept walking
When we got back to the campsite, we had to light a fire and cook for ourselves No-one really knew
what to do but once we d all agreed to help each other, we eventually made our dinner Not the best I'd
ever eaten, but at least it was hot! Then we got into our sleeping bags – for the coldest night I'd ever
experienced Everyone was too tired to talk and fell asleep quickly, but I hardly slept at all and kept
walang up feeling frozen I was really glad to get back to a warm house at the end of the trip!
So it wasn t the greatest camping trip even but it confirmed some things that I'd always thought about
myself Now I can truly say that I'm determined easy-going and patient - and after this trip. I've even
become passionate about camping!
Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
O Sam got the best answers about himself from
a his brothers b bis iends chis camping expenence.
1 Sam's trip involved
a sleeping outside in the spring b travelling with the rest of his class c staying by a lake
2 Sam says that before he left he
a hoped his tent would be comfortable b was unsure what to expect clonew he d have a good time
3 On the hike through the mountains. Sam
a couldn t enjoy the view b told everyone how bad he felt chad to sit down and rest
4 What does Sam say about the dinner he had?
a It was delicious b It wasn thot enough. c It was made by several people
5 Sam couldn t sleep because
a other people kept talking b his sleeping bag wasn't warm enough e he missed his home and

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)walt disney was born in chicago on december 5, 1901. then his family left that city in the north of america for a place in the south. when walt disney grew up, he began to draw pictures and create cartoons, and one day he had an idea to make a mouse the main character of the cartoons. 2)he told his wife, lilian, about this. he saw this mouse character as a funny friendly little thing,who could speak, dance and sing and who,in fact,could live like a man."that's a good idea, " lilian said. "call him mickey."so that is what disney called him.in 1928 the audience saw mickey mouse on the screen for the first time. mickey became very popular and soon walt disney and mickey mouse were famous stars. 3)disney's stories end happily.all his films are easy and nice to watch. the audience always feels comfortable and enjoys his cartoons very much. 4)one day an idea came to disney.he wanted to create a special place, a special land for children and parents to have fun together. so he built disneyland. disneyland is in california near los angeles.

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