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Look at the picture and write what the boy's favourite food is. Write what the boy likes and
doesn't like eating. (Write 5 sentences)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Boy's favorite food is carrots.
2. He doesn’t like to drink milk.
3. He doesn’t like to eat apples.
4. The boy doesn’t like to eat cheese.
5. The boy doesn’t like to eat bananas.

in this picture I see that the boy likes carrots. And he seems to like vegetables, but he doesn't like apple juice. And according to the picture, he doesn't like apples at all. And he doesn't like dairy products especially cheese. And the last thing he doesn't like is the banana.Объяснение:

Время чудес, подарков, восхваления бога. именно в этот день далеко-далеко в городе вифлееме родился славненький.маленький иисус. в те времена никто о нём не знал, но потом о иисусе узнали все и теперь этот город самый что не наесть загадочный и и божественный. любите бога и всё будет хорошо! он вырос и стал править свыше.

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