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Megan could see straight away that the painting was a fake."​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Didn't know what, you think you. For the most important thing to do. Would you like to do it and make.

ответ: Task 2

1) This is Tony's watch

2) My brothers' birthdays are in june (во множественном числе апостроф ставиться в конце)

3) The children's shoes are dirty (children изменённое слово от слово child, так что апостроф ставится перед s)

4) Jake's favourite food is pasta

5) The teachers' room is upstairs

6) This is my colleaugue's task

7) I always follow my sister's advice.

8) What is this boy's name?

9) This is my friend's family

Task 3

1) We are in Nick's restaurant

2) She reads Pushkin's poems

3) Tony liked his friend's photo

4) Today I'm wearing my sister's jeans

5) Susan's house is very large

6) I use Lisa's laptop

7) The student's answer is brilliant

8) We're meeting in Jack's house


Популярно: Английский язык