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Vocabulary A. Fill in: boring, awful, interesting, educational, childish, funny.
1 The nature programme was very …………………... . I couldn’t stop watching.
2 The sitcom was very …………………... . I couldn’t stop laughing.
3 It was a(n) …………………... film; maybe the worst I’ve seen this year.
4 I find cartoons a bit …………………... . They are more suitable for kids.
5 It was a very …………………... film. I fell asleep half way through it.
6 The documentary was very ………………... . I learned a lot from it.

B. Fill in: cast, stars, solution, excellent, released.
7 Christian Bale as Batman in
The Dark Knight.
8 The film was in July 2008.
9 In the film, the hero finds the
to global warming.
10 The Dark Knight has a(n)
plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
11 The of the film includes
many award-winning actors.

C. Write the sentences in the passive voice.
12 Christian Bale plays the main character.

13 Pixar Studios produced Wall-E.

14 An Italian actor won the award.

15 They nominated the film for an award.

16 They released Star Wars in 1977.

17 They film the comedy show in London.

18 Christopher Nolan directed The Dark Knight.

D. How are films made? Write the sentences in the present simple passive form.
19 A film producer buys the story.

20 A director directs the film.

21 Actors play the characters.

22 A cameraman films the scenes.

23 A graphic artist adds the special​

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  present continuous:   we are working with brian at the moment, recording a new album. — мы сейчас работаем с брайном, записываем новый альбом.                                               we are working with brian at the moment, recording a new album. — мы сейчас работаем с  look! somebody is climbing up the tree. — смотри! кто-то  взбирается  на дерево.брайном, записываем новый альбом.   i don’t know where we are going. — я не знаю, куда мы идем.                     present simple:           the skirt maches the colour of your eyes. — рубашка подходит к цвету твоих глаз      edward always turns to me when he needs advice. — эдвард всегда обращается ко мне, когда ему нужен совет she knits very nice sweaters. — она вяжет красивые свитера we always get together for christmas holidays. — мы всегда собираемся вместе на рождественские праздники it often snows in january. — в январе часто идет снег.

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