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write a newspaper article about a natural disaster in Kazakhstan the folowing prompts will help you arganize your ideas​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 Beyonce is still a reigning .audience. in the world

of pop music.

2 He's in charge of painting the .curtain. for the play.

3 The twist at the end of the play was a complete

surprise for the .audience.

4 A lot of child actors achieve .fame. at a very young


5 The lead actor gave an excellent .perfomance.

6 Actors need to know the .props. plan so they know

where to stand.

7 At the beginning of the play there were no

actors on the .stage.

8 They brought down the .light. at the end of the


9 The final .scene. of the film was very dramatic.

10 When the curtain rose the only .scenery. on stage

were a table, a chair and a glass.

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