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Passive Voice Exercise 1 Use Present Indefinite Passive:
Exercise 3 Use Future Indefinite Passive:
1. My soup ... (make) of fresh vegetables.
1. We hope that jazz always ... (listen) to.
2. Newspapers and magazines ... (sell) almost 2. Your parcels ... (send) next week.
3. My article ... (publish) soon.
3. Most of my sister's money ... (spend) on
4. The report ... (write) by my son.
fashionable clothes.
5. The pupils ... (inform) about it tomorrow.
4.The rooms in this hotel ... (clean) every day. 6. I ... (ask) at the lesson tomorrow.
5. These stories ... (write) by a famous author. Exercise 4 Use Present Continuous Passive:
6. This project ... (do) by real professionals.
1. Don't enter the classroom. The floor ... (clean)
Exercise 2 Use Past Indefinite Passive:
1. America ... (discover) in 1492 by Christopher 2. It's very noisy in the classroom because the actual
problems ... (discuss).
2. All my documents ... (check) carefully.
3. Have you heard the news? The old cathedral ...
3. My nephew ... (meet) at the airport by our
(restore) now.
4. The new buildings ... (build) in our street now.
4. The bus ... (drive) by a fat old man.
5. I can't give you this magazine as it ... (look)
5. These books ... (publish) in our country.
through now.
6. The burglars ... (arrest) at the railway station. 6. Turn to the left. The road ... (repair) right now.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1the clevest 2 happier 3 worse 4 the most beautiful 5 better

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