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Sudbury Valley School in Massachusetts, USA, is an unusual school. Do you hate maths? At Sudbury, if students hate maths, they don’t study it. They go to another class, such as history or science! Students at the school can study a lot of different subjects, like science, history, geography and art. Students can choose to do homework, but some prefer not to do any! If students don’t want to go to any classes, it isn’t a problem. There are lots of other activities at Sudbury. For example, some students go to drama practice. Some students play instruments, and some go to the ICT room. In that room, they can check emails or play games. They can even make their own lunch in the canteen. Pizza and pasta are the favourite meals. Some students prefer healthy salads! Students can’t leave the school, but they can walk or play sports in the school garden. There is always something to do! There are a few rules at Sudbury. Students can’t do anything dangerous, and they can’t stay at home every day! But students are usually very happy at Sudbury. It’s a popular school!

Mark sentences as True or False/ Определите «Правда» или «Ложь»

1. There are a few rules at Sudbury.

True False

2. Potato and carrot are the favourite meals.

True False

3. If students don’t want to go to any classes, it is a problem.

True False

4. It’s a popular school!

True False

5. There is never something to do!

True False

6. Some students prefer healthy salads!

True False

7. But students are usually very happy at Sudbury.

True False


Task 2.

Write a review of a book or film that you have read or seen. Напишите рецензию на книгу или фильм, которую вы прочитали недавно или фильм, который посмотрели.

The following questions will help you to organize your review. Следующие вопросы вам составить свой обзор. Напишите 8-10 предложений

1. What is the title?

2. What is the book or film?

3. Who are the main characters?

4. What happens?

5. Did you like this book or film? Why?

6. Who would you recommend it for? Why?

Total: 13

Total [5]

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. i have eaten my breakfast - я съел (-a) свой завтрак. 2. we have drunk water - мы выпили воду. 3. he has brought them some meat and vegetables - он принес им немного мяса и овощей. 4. you have put the dishes on the table - ты поставил (-a) тарелки на стол. 5. they have had tea - они выпили чай. 6. she has taken the dirty plates from the table - она убрала грязные тарелки со стола. 7. the children have put on their coats. - дети надели свои пальто. 8. the pupils have written a dictation - ученики написали диктант. 9. my friend has helped me to solve a difficult problem - мой друг мне решить трудную проблему. 10. i have learned a poem - я выучил (-а) стих. 11. she has told them an interesting story - она рассказала им интересную . 12. kate has swept the floor - кейт подмела пол. 13. the waiter has put a bottle of lemonade in front of him - официант (-ка) поставила бутылку лимонада перед ним. 14. susan has made a new dress for her birthday party - сьюзан сделала новое платья для вечеринки на день рождения. 15. she has opened a box of chocolates - она открыла коробку шоколадных конфет.

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