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Choose the correct item. 1. A: you lend me your camera for my trip? B: Of course. I’ll bring it for you later. *
2. A: we leave our suitcases here? B: Yes. Just put them over there. *

Правильный ответ 3
3. A: You drive me to the airport as there’s a bus. B: That’s OK, I don’t mind. *

don’t need to
4. A: You leave your bags in the left luggage area. B: That’s a good idea! *

5. A: Do I to get a visa to travel to India? B: Yes. But it’s easy to get one. *

have to
6. We are obliged to renew our passports. *

We must renew our passport
We must renew our passports
We must renew ours passports
7. I advise you to go on the bus tour. *

You should go on the bus tours
You should go in the bus tour
You should go on the bus tour
8. It’s not necessary for them to walk to the station. *

They don't have to walk to the bus stations.
They don't have to walk to the bus station.
They don't have walk to the bus station.
Read the text and for questions 31-35 choose the correct answer (A, B or C).Hi Saule,How are you? I’m in Venice for a short holiday and decided to drop you a line to tell you about it. I’ve never been abroad before and it’s exciting!We’re staying at a beautiful hotel on the Grand Canal. It was built nearly a century ago and it used to be a palace. The rooms have all the original decorations and lots of old furniture. The weather has been good for this time of year but it did rain a bit yesterday. Today, it’s warm and sunny. I hope it stays this way.Yesterday, we visited St Mark’s Basilica. I loved all the mosaics. Afterwards, we went to the Doge’s Palace too. We even walked across the Bridge of Sighs, which prisoners crossed on their way to their awful cells. St Mark’s square was very crowded. There are so many tourists here. Then we went for a trip down the Grand Canal. There are so many beautiful buildings and it’s great getting around in the water taxis. I’m going to hire a gondola today too. Later we are going to go visit Murano, where they make all the famous Venetian glass.I’ll bring you some souvenirs made from Murano glass. They have so many pretty things!All the best,Dana
9. Dana has gone to Venice *

A for the first time.
B to visit Saule.
C for a long holiday.
10 The place where Dana stayed *

A is used as a palace.
B is on a boat.
C is a very old building.
11 Dana enjoyed see the mosaics at *

A the Doge’s palace.
B St Mark’s Basilica.
C the Bridge of Sighs.
12. Dana says she saw lots of tourists *

A on the Grand Canal.
B in the water taxis.
C in St Mark’s square.
13. Dana promises Saule *

A to bring her something from Murano.
B to take her to Murano.
C to explain what they do in Murano.
14. Most British parents pay for theit children's education *

no information
15. British students have to clean their classrooms *

no information

Это обязательный вопрос.
16. There are after-school activities *

no information
17. Nobody can leave school before they are sixteen *

no information
18. Everybody takes A level exam *

no information
19. A lot of secondary schools don't have a uniform *

no information
20. Normally there aren't any lessons at the weekends. *

no information

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Ответы на вопрос:

Следовательно, в то время как быстрое преступлений, арест преступников, он должен смотреть на себя как слуга и опекун широкой общественности и наступать все законопослушные граждане, независимо от их расы, цвета кожи, вероисповедания или социального положения, с неизменным терпением и вежливостью , при использовании такта и хорошего настроения общественности как правило, может быть индуцирована соблюдать направлениях и, таким образом, необходимость в применении силы избегают. если, однако, убеждение, совет или оказались неэффективными, прибегают к силе может стать необходимым, так как это необходимо, чтобы полицейский время необходимо принять соответствующие меры будут действовать с твердостью, необходимой, чтобы сделать ее эффективной.

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