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Переведите на английский язык, но не через переводчик! чтоб всё было понятно Манул напоминает домашних кошек, но отличается массивным телом на коротких лапах, очень густой шерстью и толстым хвостом. Распространен от Каспийского моря до Забайкалья и Монголии. Манул - зверь редкий, во всей России обитает около трёх тысяч. Питается он мышами и мелкими сусликами, в голодное время может есть насекомых. Манул - самый медленный и неповоротливый из всех диких котов, он не умеет быстро бегать.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.man sked peter how long did he work every day 2.ann ordered to put milk back in the fridge 3.their father said that they would come back in 4.the guide said tourists that they could not 5.biĺl said to the boy that he had just realised that boy were telling the trust 6. her friend asked her why did she 7.the student said that he would not earn nothing as it was 8. she said that she hopped they had get 9. the boy said to his father that he were doing his home task 10. mother asked why he hadn't had 11. the manager said to us: that we would be working six 12. she said to the boy that she thought he were lying 13. my cousin asked me if we would go to the cinema on monday 14. she said johnny that she had met his 15.mother asked her children where their toys were 16. sue asked not to tell a lie 17. janet asked helen: "how did your husband react to the news? "

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