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К.р. по английскому . I Unscramble the words and match them with the following pictures 1 point

1) efotsr efri
2) quratekhae
3) nasutim
4) anvahalce
5) acrunihre
6) narotod

II Translate into English 2 points
1) зменшувати
2) навколишній
3) перевикористосувати
4) середовище
5) виживати
6) вичерпувати запаси
7) небезпека

III Rewrite the text filling in the words from the box – 3 points

play, radio, environment, nature, Greenpeace, environmental

The problem of the is much spoken about on TV, and in the newspapers. But my friend and I dont really talk about it. I know and Friends of the Earth. But in our school we dont have an programme. There special magazines about . My favourite magazine is the Sport News. I am in the school football team. We football twice a week. Im going to be a football star.

IV Open the brackets using Conditional I - 3 points

1) Many wildlife habitats (be destroyed) if man (keep) polluting the environment.
2) If we (not stop) cutting down so many trees, we (endanger) our oxygen supply.
3) If the global temperature (rise), sea levels (rise) too.
4) If we (use) our car less, the air (be) cleaner.
5) If everybody (take) showers instead of baths, they (use) less water.

V Write a short composition (7-10 sentences) on the theme To take care of the planet is to take care of our own house 3 point

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These are my stockings

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