Есть ответ 👍

10. 4 Поставьте общие и специальные вопросы с конструкцией to have (to) для выражения долженство- вания в и будущем времени. Дайте положительные и отрицательные ответы к об-
щим вопросам:
e.g. My colleague had to leave yesterday.
Did he have to leave yesterday?
Yes, he did. He had to leave yesterday
No, he didn't. He didn't have to leave.
Why did he have to leave yesterday?
Who had to leave yesterday?
My colleague will have to leave tomorrow.
Will he have to leave tomorrow?
Yes, he will. He will have to leave tomorrow.
No, he won't. He won't have to leave.
Why will he have to leave tomorrow?
Who will have to leave tomorrow?
1. The other day my brother had to go to the doctor. 2. My friends had to work hard last week. 3. Finally my
cousin had to tell us the truth. 4. I had to go for a walk with my dog last night. 5. Last week we had to translate
some articles in this newspaper. 6. Last year my friend had to find a new job. 7. Two days ago my sister had to
pay for her mobile telephone. 8. In three days I will have to visit my old uncle. 9. Tomorrow my colleague will
have to continue his work. 10. Next week we will have to have lunch at the office. 11. In 5 minutes our secretary
will have to answer our question. 12. Next week they'll have to have a rest.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1.The capital city of the UK is London.
2.Most people in Australia speak English.
3.There are 324 million people in the USA.
4.The capital of the USA is Washington.
5.Many people in the USA speak Spanish.

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