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Read the letter and match the pictures with the words. How's te back in Grimsby? Pm in Applewood
a school trip. The weather here is amazing.
s by the swimming pool all day yesterday
od now I've got a great suntan.
on Wednesday, we went on a day trip to Me
ingiley. We went by coach to Kingsley Village
Ther, we climbed to the top of the mountain.
wie Kingsley is 1,652m high so it was a difficult
ito. I was scared but it was fun. Luckily, I
had my climbing boots on and my feet were
I. Read the letter on the left again and correct the sentences.
fine. My friend Tom only had his trainers with
1. Stuart is sending a letter to Rick.
him, so he had big problems.
Anyway, on Thursday, we went to a beach
near the hotel. I did lots of water sports there. It
was great! That's all for now.
2. Rick went to Kingsley village by car.
3. It was easy to climb Mt Kingsley.
4. Rick's friend didn't have trainers with him.
See you soon,
5. Rick did lots of water sports at the swimming pool.

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Тому що спочатку він зрадив свій народ і перейшов до монголів, а потім коли    монголи попали у пастку, бурунда-бегадир подумав ,що тугар вовк навмисне їх туди завів

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