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Write some sentences what your friend should/shouldn't do when he/she feels ill напишіть кілька речень, що ваш друг повинен / не повинен робити, коли йому / їй погано

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Ответы на вопрос:

You should do everything that the doctor had recommended you.

You should air your bedroom.

You should stay in bed and take your temperature.

You should drink a lot of water.

You shouldn't go for a walk while you are not well.

You shouldn't eat ice cream.

You shouldn't watch TV or play computer games a lot.

I-myself (я сам) you-yourself (ты сам) he-himself (он сам) she-herself (она сама)it-itself (оно само)we-ourselves (мы сами) you-yourselves (вы сами)they-themselves (они сами)one-oneself(сам)а  если тебе нужны ещё и  правила, то они здесь 

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