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Task 2. Writing. “Present perfect ” 1. Sean ……… a famous rock star. [1]
a) has meet
b) has met
c) have met
2. Amy and Ron …………. to play tennis. [1]
a) have went
b) has gone
c) have gone
3. I …………… a new pencil already. [1]
a) have boght
b) have bought
c) has bought
4. Mary and Peter ………. to the theatre this week. [1]
a) have gone
b) have went
c) has gone
5. …… they …….. toys from paper? [1]
a) have / maked
b) have / make
c) have / made
6. He …….. to India, but he will go there soon. [1]
a) hasn't been
b) haven't been
c) not has been
Task 3. Writing. “Comparative and Superlative adjectives”

1. The Pacific Ocean is ……. than the Arctic Ocean. [1]
a) the deeper
b) more deeper
c) deeper
2. Jenny’s bag is ………. than Kelly’s bag. [1]
a) more expensive
b) the most expensive
c) the more expensive
3. February is ………. month of the year. [1]
a) shortest
b) the shortest
c) the shorter
4. It is the ……….. chair in the room. [1]
a) most comfortable
b) most comfortablest
c) more comfortable
5. Detectives are ……….. than historical novels. [1]
a) most interesting
b) the more interesting
c) more interesting
6. That is ……… store in the town. [1]
a) the cheaper
b) the cheapest
c) the a cheapest

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 с

2 а

3 b


5 c


Яне знаю про кого ты имеешь в виду, поэтому я придумала сама. it is funny and nice. it has got big ears and  and he is not very big eyes. it is fast and gray.

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