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Part 1. Choose the correct answer. 1. The author said that it is difficult to read when you are grown up because
A. Have no time to read
B. Spelling is difficult
C. Wide range vocabulary
2. Really effective way to leam English is
A. Read in native language
B. Read in English
C. Read in a foreign language
Part 2. Find some inconsistences in the statements.
Mark these sentences Yes, No or Not Given.
3. While reading in foreign language it is necessary to understand absolutely every word.
An effective way to read in another language because I know every word.
5. Sometimes it is impossible to translate directly from one language to another.

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-hi daughter , i wash the dishes! -i don't have time dad! and to play pc you have? i'm busy , wash your- дочка , посуду!                                                               -у меня нету времени папа!                                                                             -а играть в компьютер у тебя есть время? -я занята , сам! -выключай компьютер и не подходи больше к нему!

Популярно: Английский язык