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1. We ... (to do) new animals at the zoo. 2. I... (to phone) him last night.
3. Max's uncle ... (to go) to New York last week.
4. Granny ... (to play) computer games yesterday.
5. My cat... (to meet) your doggy last night.
6. Her parrot ... (to sing) songs last year.
7. I... (to have) coffee before classes.
8. Denys ... (to buy) this keys yesterday.
9. We ... (to build) snowman on the ice.
10.1 ... (to find) my way to the hotel.
11.1... (to show) that new game.
12.My elder sister (to help) to ber friends very often last month ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

А)  dangerous-safe,  extraordinary-ordinary,  incredible-usual,real-unreal,serious-funny,polite-impolite,ancient-modern,tall-short,handsome-ugly,athletic-non-athletic,  strong-weak,  hard-working -lazy,obedient-naughty,noisy- quietб)  to agree-to disagree,to put on-to take off,  to forget-to remember,to be right-to be wrong,to start-to stop,to repair-to break,to love-to hate,to find-to lose,to close-to open,  to  give- to take, to sit - to stand, to talk - to keep silent 

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