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The first street name - teryaeva - known since 1798. at first, so i called travel, held from small avenue to zeleynoy street (now chkalovsky prospect). it was teryaev potatory house. sometimes, at the beginning of the xix century, teryaeva street designated on maps as the 18th, because there was an attempt to number the streets of st. petersburg side, running perpendicular to the main thoroughfare of the island - grand avenue. but it did not stick.      in 1912 the street was extended to the north-west and is connected to the newly paved street of mercy, held by street barmaleeva to karpovka got its name february 4, 1912 at the st. petersburg home of mercy, through the ownership of which passed. under this name it lasted a little more than fifteen years. how obsolete, changed its november 26, 1927 on the street textiles. here in 1913 the textile workers' union for its construction of houses has been started (now number 14), which was completed only in 1928. until recently, it was even the inscription "textilschik 1928".      in 1955, the section of the street from textiles to barmaleeva teryaeva street entered the territory of the central scientific research institute "morphyspribor", and textiles of the street joined teryaeva street to chkalovsky prospect.      december 15, 1952 th teryaeva street renamed. she officially became brest, in honor of the liberation of brest from nazi invaders in 1944. however, it is curious that this name, as well as in the beginning of the xix century, 18th street, has not caught on, and february 4, 1954, it was canceled.      but leningrad executive committee decision of 16 january 1964 was carried out. both streets - teryaeva and textiles - began to bear the name of the soviet writer and playwright vsevolod vishnevsky. vsevolod vishnevsky street runs from the small avenue petrograd side to the embankment of the karpovka river.      vsevolod v. vishnevsky (1900-1951) was born in st. petersburg in the family of a land surveyor. fourteen year old schoolboy, he went to the front and was awarded three st. george's crosses. after the victory of the october revolution, he unconditionally accepted the new government.      with the city on the neva is connected almost the entire creative work of vsevolod vishnevsky. here he created the first play "horse army" posed by alexander wild in the theater of the people's house. vsevolod meyerhold staged vishnevsky next play, "the last decisive." a "optimistic tragedy" was an important step in creating a new heroic soviet theater. blockbusters became a feature film "we are from kronstadt" about the defense of petrograd in 1919, yefim dziganom delivered on the script, written by vsevolod vishnevsky.      in 1941 vsevolod vishnevsky worked as a correspondent of the newspaper "pravda" in leningrad, led socio-political work in the besieged city, he spoke to the soldiers. vsevolod vishnevsky merit was to save the house on the street matyushina professor popov, 10. this wooden house in which the artist's widow and art collector michael matyushina writer olga matyushina kept a collection of russian avant-garde, it can be dismantled for firewood. intercession vsevolod vishnevsky possible to obtain home, and with it the priceless collection, "safe-conduct".      considering the merits of vsevolod vishnevsky to leningrad and its total contribution to the soviet culture, it was decided to perpetuate the name of the playwright in the toponymy of the city. petrograd side, and two streets - teryaeva and textiles - have chosen not by chance. throughout the war and the blockade of vsevolod vishnevsky he lived nearby, on the island of apothecary, in the house number 10 on the street professor popov.petersburg street names. the origin of the names of streets and avenues, rivers and canals, bridges and islands/

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