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2. Прочитайте текст и отметьте верные высказывания T, а неверные F. Jack London

January the 12th is the birthday of Jack London, one of the greatest American writers. Jack London was born in San Francisco in a very poor family. He began working at the age of eight, selling newspapers and doing other jobs. In fact all his life he worked very hard. He left school at the age of fourteen and soon became a sailor. Jack London describes his adventures in many novels, short stories and essays.

All his life was self-education. He read a lot of books. He managed to pass his school exams and even went to university in California. But then his father died and he had to leave the university and go home to work and help his family.

One of his novels gives a picture of the working class fight. In Martin Eden, one of his best novels, Jack London gives us details of his life. Adventure stories and animal stories made him famous. One of his best known stories is Brown Wolf.

Jack London is one of the greatest British writers.
Jack London had to begin working at the age of eight.
He earned money by selling newspapers.
Jack London finished school at the age of 18.
Jack London used to read very little.
Jack London was a self-educated man.
He left university because he became a famous writer.
In his novel Martin Eden Jack London gives the details of his father’s life.

3. Подберите русский эквивалент.

1. to spoil a child

2. to pick a book

3. a dangerous adventure

4. the contents of the letter

5. my first impression

6. a solemn speech

7. to break a promise

8. a kindly smile

9. a gloomy face

10. to wave a hand

a. содержание письма

b. торжественная речь

c. выбрать книгу

d. махать рукой

e. добрая, дружелюбная улыбка

f. избаловать ребёнка

g. моё первое впечатление

h. угрюмое лицо

i. опасное приключение

j. нарушать обещание

4. Вставьте at / in / to чтобы закончить предложения с фразовым глаголом to rush.

1. Everyone rushed __ the room to see what was happening.

2. Don't rush __ conclusions. This is not her final decision.

3. I'm afraid we'll have to rush the old lady __ hospital.

4. Jane was very hungry and rushed __ her sandwich as soon as it was brought.

5. Please don't rush ___ without knocking.

5. Вставьте away / down / out / over , чтобы закончить предложения с фразовым глаголом to run.

1. She doesn't like your success: that's why she's always running you .

2. The electric battery won't work. It has run .

3. Our food will soon run .

4. A small rabbit has been run by a bus. Poor little thing!

5. I'm afraid we have run ___ of petrol.

6. Используйте артикль a/an, the или - там, где необходимо.

1. ___ next train to Glasgow is at four.

2. I'm tired. Let's have ___ break.

3. India exports a lot of ___ tea.

4. Jack always has ___ light breakfast in the morning.

5. Would you like ___ ice cream?

6. Have you ever eaten ___ brunch?

7. Do you like ___ milk?

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