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Это текст к 3 заданию↑ 1 задание
1) tsunami
a) when the ground shakes
b) a flash of light in the sky
c) water that covers an area
d) a very large wave

2) earthquake
a) when the ground shakes
b) a flash of light in the sky
c) water that covers an area
d) a very large wave

3) lightning
a) when the ground shakes
b) a flash of light in the sky
c) water that covers an area
d) a very large wave

4) flood
a) when the ground shakes
b) a flash of light in the sky
c) water that covers an area
d) a very large wave

*Choose the correct phrases to complete the dialogue.*

A: Hi Mary! How was your weekend? B: It was good. 1) ………..
A What on earth happened?
B I can imagine!
C However, you'll never guess what happened!
D Oh my goodness!
E Where were you at the time?

A: I don't know! 2) ……….. B: I got caught in a terrible lightning storm!
A What on earth happened?
B I can imagine!
C However, you'll never guess what happened!
D Oh my goodness!
E Where were you at the time?

A: 3) ……….. Was there any place you could take shelter? B: We were hiking on the side of a mountain. We had to run back to our car. We could see the lightning everywhere!
A What on earth happened?
B I can imagine!
C However, you'll never guess what happened!
D Oh my goodness!
E Where were you at the time?

A: 4) ……….. How scary! Lightning can be dangerous. B: Yes, we were terrified!
A What on earth happened?
B I can imagine!
C However, you'll never guess what happened!
D Oh my goodness!
E Where were you at the time?

A: 5) ……….. I'm glad you got home safely. B: Me too. We were very lucky.
A What on earth happened?
B I can imagine!
C However, you'll never guess what happened!
D Oh my goodness!
E Where were you at the time?
Read the text and make the task
3 задание
Прочитайте диалог

Last night, Jane ...
A saw a film about Hawaii.
B wrote an essay on volcanoes.
C watched a documentary on TV.

The Hawaiian Islands ...
A were made by volcanoes.
B were destroyed by volcanoes.
C no longer have volcanoes

On Hawaii, volcanoes...
A destroy people's homes.
B explode violently.
C produce lava.

Alan thinks the rivers of lava ...
A would be amazing to see in real life.
B would be frightening to be close to.
C are always very dangerous.

Before a volcanic eruption...
A there is often a big earthquake.
B the volcano may get smaller.
C gas might be released.

Alan and Jane agree that scientists
A can't guess when there will be an eruption.
B are always keeping their eyes on volcanoes.
C can stop volcanoes from erupting.

4 задание

Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous, affirmative (+), negative (-) or interrogative (?).
1. Mike (read – +) the paper at 8 pm, he (write – -) a report.
were reading, wasn't writing
was reading, was writing
was reading, wasn’t writing
wasn't reading, wasn’t writing

2. Last night at 10 pm, we (watch – -) TV, we (sleep – +).
wasn't watching, were sleeping
were watching, were sleeping
weren’t watching, were sleeping
were watching, weren't sleeping

3. While Sally (cook – +) dinner, Tom (lay – +) the table.
was cooking, wasn't laying
wasn't cooking, was laying
was cooking, was laying
were cooking, was laying

4. (it/snow – ?) at 8 o’clock this morning or (it/rain – ?)?
Wasn't it snowing, was it raining
Was it snowing, was it raining
Were it snowing, was it raining
Was it snowing, were it raining

5. The boys (have – +) an English lesson at 4 pm yesterday afternoon, they (play – -) football.
were having, weren’t playing
weren't having, weren’t playing
was having, weren’t playing
were having, wasn't playing

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Ответы на вопрос:

The book is on the table. книга на столе. she is at school. она в школе. my pen is in the pencil case. моя ручка в пенале. we are at the shop at the moment. мы в магазине в данный момент. my mum is at the cinema. моя мама в кинотеатре. i'm at the lesson now. я на уроке сейчас. they are in england. они в . my books are in the my bag. мои книги в моей сумке. there are a lot of people in the bus. здесь много людей в автобусе. the teacher isn't at school. учитель не в школе. there are a lot of trees in the forest. здесь много деревьев в лесу. we are at home now. мы сейчас дома. tea is the most popular drink in britan. чай больше всего популярен в британии. the most of vitamins are in fruits. большинство витаминов во фруктах. write the essay in the your notebook. напиши сочинение в твоей тетради,

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