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Writing. Grammar task Complete the first conditional sentence with the correct forms of the words in brackets. а job, I the bus, I hard. (get, work) late for the work. (miss, be) today. (call, aive) it to you tomоrrow. (find, bring) you. (have, helpр) 1. IfI 2. IfI 3. Не 4. IfI us if he that book, I time tomorrow, I 5. IfI ПОМГИТЕЕЕ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

effectively - more effectively - the most effectively

soon - sooner - the soonest

successfully - more successfully - the most successfully

quickly - more quickly - the most quickly

often - more often - the most often

slowly - more slowly - the most slowly

much - more - the most

well - better - the best

хотя для наречий quickly, often и slowly возможен и второй вариант

quickly - quicker - the quickest

often - oftener - the oftenest

slowly - slower - the slowest

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