16.09.2021 11:04
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A car drove from a city A to a B. The distance between the two cities is 700 km. After 400 km, the speed of the car decreased by 40 km/h. The total trip took 10 hours. Find the speed of the car in the first part of the journey

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4,6(58 оценок)

Если 0 < a < 90, то sin a > 0; cos a > 0; tg a > 0 cos^2 a = 1 - sin^2 a = 1 - 9/25 = 16/25 cos a = 4/5 tg a = sin a / cos a = (3/5) / (4/5) = 3/4 tg a + cos^2 a = 3/4 + 16/25 = (75 + 48)/(4*25) = 123/100 = 1,23

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