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What is sarcasm?
what is irony?
what is postirany?
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Irony-Covert mockery; using a word or expression in the opposite sense of the literal

Sarcasm-Sarcism is one of the types of satirical exposure, stinging mockery, the highest degree of irony.

Potirany-a satirical technique in which sincerity becomes difficult to distinguish from irony.

Sarcasm is an evil and stinging mockery, a high degree of irony, a trope and a means of comedy, which is based on sharp preschool ridicule, full of contempt. Sarcasm is based not only on the heightened contrast between what is understood and what is being said, but also on the direct deliberate exposure of what is understood.

Irony is a mockery disguised by outward seriousness.

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